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SIGNAL WARNING LIGHTS ON VEHICLES for driving on the freeway Aqwam Rosadi Kardian
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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Use of signal lights that can be mounted on the rear of the car to drive on the freeway, especially at night. This lamp gives a signal to other cars approaching from behind. If the distance from the rear of the car too close then gave the signal light will blink to warn that cars could keep his distance. This lamp is also used to signal when the car was stopped on the side of the freeway.  This signal lights work process is to use a light sensor. If the received light from the headlights approaching from behind the lights will blink for 30 seconds until the car from behind is no longer too close or have preceded. This lamp uses two counter Time Integrated Circuit (IC-NE555), phototransistor, transistors, resistors, capacitors, Ligh Emitting Diode (LED) and battery as a power supply.
CONCEPTS OF PHYSICS Quantities and units Hening Hendrato
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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Physics as a branch of science requires a lot of measurements such as measuring the length, mass, time, and others. By understanding basic physics concepts such as the concept of expected quantities and units will not be much difficulty when they have to solve problems related to mathematical physicists. It is expected that this concept can bridge between macro- physics of the universe of knowledge to small objects that can only be viewed with a microscope. As a supporter in a discussion of this topic, expected definitions bekaitan understanding of physics concepts about quantities and units.
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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The use of computer technology at the present time is very much needed in data management both in the number of large and small. Because in addition can also save time and effort to minimize errors that occur if done manually. Here on the system design of patient care dental clinic needed a computerized system that can support operational services to society as a maximum, and it can become more effective and efficiency.  In order for data to be processed more easily, quickly, precisely and accurately.
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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Data center or data center is the facility used to put multiple servers or computer systems and data storage systems (storage) are conditioned by setting catudaya and air, fire protection, and are usually equipped also with physical security systems. Data centers can also be viewed as a repository of data (data warehouse) which serves as a data management system starting from the collection, processing, storage until the rediscovery of the data, and be able to also provide support in decision-making (decisionsupport system). Library Center may implement a data center (called CITED Data Center, PDC) to manage numerous databases, ie databases, books, magazines, multimedia, and publications. PDC consists of: (1) Back-end, to manage information; (2) PDC or network attached storage (NAS), a large-capacity storage media to store digital documents, and (3) front-end, as the medium of communication between systems PDC and users. Implementation should be supported PDC network infrastructure, IT equipment, applications, standard operating procedures, and managing resources, both in quantity and capability.
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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E-commerce is a means to conduct financial transactions online. Facility has grown rapidly since the beginning of its use in 1970. When is e-commerce is only about the commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically. Now e-commerce has included credit card transactions, enterprise resource planning, and others. One method of securing the network is the use of technology, Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This technology allows the client to build a secure and encrypted connection with the server. In addition there is also a Digital Certificate technology allows a client to know whether the site's pages are accessible genuine or fake. Both technologies are then put together to facilitate e-commerce to be safe and prevent users from feeling anxious. There are several things that must be prepared to secure e-commerce. From the server side is the availability SSL technology, Digital Certificate, encrypting data, and so forth. To be able to use this technology, there are certain steps that must be taken lankah. While the readiness of the client side of client / server capabilities to rival browsers such as browser capabilities in running SSL.   Many of the lurking threat of e-commerce users. One is phishing. These crimes take advantage of the use of fake websites to deceive users of e-commerce so that when the user accesses such sites important information can be stolen from him by the offender. This crime other than relying on technology also relies on a user's attention ketidakhati in accessing e- commerce site.   Actually, the safety factor of e-commerce does not only depend on the sophistication of the technology used, but more emphasis on prudence and accuracy of e-commerce users in keeping the information themselves, and notice what he had access to the internet. Technology that determines it is safe or not was not only the technology that is used, but also the readiness of human resources in use. 
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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Computer system is a system that transforms data into information. Thus, if there are people who are not entitled to enter into the computer system, important information and valuable can be stolen or modified.
BASIC CONCEPTS proxy Yuce Yuliani
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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In a network of intermediaries required, one form of such intermediaries is Proxy. Proxies can be understood as a third party who stood in the middle between two parties that are interconnected and function as an intermediary, such that the first party and second party not directly related, but each dealing with an intermediary, namely a proxy.   As an illustrative example: If a student borrows a book in the library, sometimes the students were not allowed to directly search and retrieve their own books that we want from the bookcase, but students asked for the book to the officers and of course by giving a number or code book that he wanted, and then the officer who will find and fetch the book. In the case above, the librarian has acted as an intermediary or proxy. Officers are also able to ensure and maintain, for example, so that students can only borrow books for students, lecturers can borrow books of all books, or the general public may only borrow a specific book.  Maybe the process takes more time than if we directly search and retrieve their own books we want. But if only every time officers locate and retrieve a book for someone, the officer also made several copies of the book before giving his book to people who ask, and keep it on the table service, so if there are other people who request a specific book, a very big possibility The requested book has been available a copy of it on a table, and the clerk gave it to stay straight. The result is a faster service and better security as well.   The above description explains the concept and basic functions of a proxy in the computer network and internet communications. Proxy servers have three main functions namely Connection Sharing, Filtering and Caching. Each function will be described further below.
JAKSTIK Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2006): JOURNAL
Publisher : STMIK Jakarta

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In today's modern era, the need for entertainment is very important, especially in the business world. Therefore, the application of technology, the digital system is one correct solution in the process of filmmaking. In this case, may be helpful to learn the process of digital video editing using Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 software outputs Sony Creative Software.   The need for entertainment is very important, especially in the business world such as advertising and movie theater.

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